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Sunbeam in March

By Sergey Nekrasov

The hard Siberian Winter is a dream and a quintessence of the weather in Russia. The crispy snow, the skin-tingling cold and the cold-air burning lungs. Though the true magic of the Winter one can feel at the edge of the Spring, when the sunshine becomes a bit warmer.

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The First Star

By Sergey Nekrasov

The beginning of the Winter in a Russian village – the most lovely subject for any artist. While choosing a traditional motive Sergey uses a new compositional solution for this picture, taking into account the principles of the backward perspective. The view of the artist seems to be floating in the air.

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Lady with a Pomegranate

By Maria Aristova

The perfect fruit, the symbol of immortality and fertility in the hand of a beautiful stranger. Classic composition, perfection of the details, refinement of the texture make the work so attractive. It will be the hidden gem and the custodian of the house for those who are ready to unveil all the secrets prepared by this fascinating lady.

Natalia Kosyachenko,
Art critic

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Gardener’s Day in Villandry

By Tamara Kamaeva

The formal vegetable garden of the medieval Villandry Castle traditionally attracts tourists from all over the world. It is particularly beautiful in autumn, when the ground bares fruit due to people’s care. The composition of the picture is simple. We see the vast formal garden planted with vegetables and grass with the ancient stone buildings in the background. The artist does not aim at depicting minutely the amazing landscape in front of her. The forms are hardly conveyed by rapid and accurate color brushstrokes. The picture is full of sun, light, air, wind, that create its wonderful festive atmosphere captured by the artist to please the viewers.

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Julie on a Red Pillow

By Sergey Nekrasov

It is not a big but very expressive portrait of Sergey’s girlfriend. The tradition of portraying relatives and friends is kept by Petersburg artists from generation to generation. Not surprising because the warm and trusting relationships form close communication which help create such works with these people as the models.

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By Dmitry Yermolov

In his painting “Boat” the artist touches his favorite subject which is the image of the boat in the stagnant water amidst the high yellow grass, slightly swinging in the  light evening wind. We see the back of the naked young woman. It is difficult to understand if the artist wants to depict the beautiful naiad going to swim, a place for a romantic date or if it is just the reflection of the artist’s fancies. However it does not really matter. This painting attracts our attention by its organized  composition, nice colours and facility of painting style. The “Boat” will become an interesting detail in the most exquisite interior.

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Maria Knyazeva

Maria was born in Omsk region. She applied to Russian Academy of Arts in 2001 and graduated with honors. Her diploma work – “The Eastern Fairytale” was awarded with special compliments from the academic board.

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In Winter

By Tamara Kamaeva

We see the White Sea shore so often conveyed by the artist. This time we see it under the thick layer of snow. Everything is covered with the white veil. Only the huts crowd in the background and a naked forest can be seen in the distance. Painting winter is an extremely difficult task for the painter but she easily meets this challenge, turning the endless white space with quick and sharp brushstrokes into the picturesque canvas. We admire the traces on the snow, the great variety of tones, the color flashing on the walls of the houses and the leaden decorative sky. The dull winter landscape having found dynamics and colors, begins to tell the attentive viewer about the long impelled period of quietness, the coming spring, the eternity.

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Bathing Day

By Oksana Arkhipova

A Saturday bathing on an ordinary Karelian gray day. A small bathhouse on the bank of a river. Light smoke arises from the shaft and disappears in the calm winter landscape. Purity and freshness comes from the painting created by a soft tone color whose integrity gives inexplicable attraction to the whole picture.

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Winter Evening

By Maria Knyazeva

Christmas Eve is always clear and frosty but it is warm in my heart – the lightest holiday is coming, the holiday that gives the hope for a miracle to all people

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