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In the Mountains

By Oksana Arkhipova

This two-storied chalet somewhere in Dolomites, surrounded by flowers and greenery of the trees. The multilayer sky reflects on the surface of the mountains painting them with a complex tone of blue.

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The Pond at Ainay-le-Vieil

By Julia Kostsova

The old Château de Ainay-le-Vieil has been known for its water garden since the Renaissance Age. In Autumn the castle has a special romantic mood. A refined composition with the vanishing point at the horizon lying between a stonehouse and trees, the rich combined picturesque accords, dissolution of the shapes of the objects in an air-light environment and the light of wide pasty painting – altogether prepares spectators for contemplation and penetration into fragile harmony of a small place of the infinitely beautiful world.

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By Dmitry Yermolov

Each painting can be compared to a window into the world. The world that was seen and pictured by an artist. The world that exists in a special art reality. Singapore is a mysterious city of “The Lion and the Temple”, an island of daydreams and fantasies.

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Karelian Muses

By Oksana Arkhipova

Like in Bathing Day Oksana comes to the bath theme again. Nude female bodies are positioned against the background of white snow, tinkling and cold blue of the lake and sky, buildings and branches of trees painted with frost, attract the eye, excite – do not let go. They are like magic creatures that have inhabited archaic land from ancient times – the symbol of beauty and sweet home.

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By Julia Bobrova

In the picture the artist follows her favorite method: the young woman is standing in front of the palm tree, and in the background we can see a beach with its usual tourists resting under their colorful umbrellas at the edge of the water washing the sandy shore. Playing with the compositional details the artist however follows her own artistic manner which combines the pithiness, decorative effects and portraying full length figures.

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By Alexander Egorov

An evening at the shore is one of the most interesting moments for an artist working in realistic style. The coming evening transforms the whole landscape: the sky becomes pink-pearl, the horizon line sinks in the evening haze, the surf is darkening while absorbing the coming twilight.

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At the Pier

By Maria Aristova

“The Taste of Italy” (2013-2015) – a series of 9 works. A review from one of the galleries:

Shapes of cities and its people is the main concept of this series. A combination of architecture and the beauty of human bodies. It looks like the spirit of an Italian carnival coming through the canvases. Similarly during carnival time people hide themselves in everyday life of a big city.

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First Snow

By Maria Knyazeva

The symbolic image of the seasons as a beautiful woman dates back to the  Antique times. Maria Knyazeva interprets the traditional plot of the seasons change, namely, the onset of winter in her own way. The naked red-haired woman is lying under the white blanket on the golden carpet composed of fallen leaves while the white snow flakes are slowly whirling in the frosty air. We feel no sadness about the coming cold weather, winds or snowstorms or longing for them. Only the stressed decorative moment expressed  in the pure white snow falling down on the colorful gold of the leaves and making incomparable cloak rich in shades, produces the impression of serenity and peace.

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Unforeseen Snow

By Oksana Arkhipova

The table with the Easter cake, the painted eggs and the icon under the towel are the compositional center of the picture. The horizon line is lost in the uprising snowbound landscape overlooked from the window. The early Easter surprised the artist with strong snowfall but gave a special mental languor, a feeling of cleanness and joy.

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The Adoration of the Magi

By Tamara Kamaeva

The scene of the adoration takes the central place in the picture. The old Magician knelt down and reverently leant to the newborn Christ Child. Two other Magicians have the gifts in their arms for Him. The colouring of the picture is determined by the spectacular contrast between the shining gold garments and the bright spots of red, blue, ocher colours. The light coming from Christ Child unites all the figures of the composition, making it ceremonial and festive.

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