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Red Salmon

By Sergey Nekrasov

The painting is named after the beautiful red salmon which gave impulse to the  complex associations in the imagination of the artist. The fiery red salmon with the green head and the hump floats in the clear waters of a pond near the feet of the beautiful young woman in the white wedding dress. The beauty is weaving a scarlet ribbon into her long blond hair, as a symbol of power and sacrifice, which every woman makes giving birth to a child like a red salmon which sacrifices everything for her brood.

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By Julia Kostsova

In this painting Julia again addresses the Spring awakening of nature. The high blue sky is almost merged with the snow cover that is dappled by an elegant pattern of tree shadows. The snow is gradually melting and giving way to brown thawed patches. The landscape is subtle in the mood and quite complex in the form.

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Streaming March

By Lyudmila Scherbinina

Broken strokes shaping the village houses, bare tree trunks, melting snow and spring blue shadows bring a mess so typical of March into the strict composition of the canvas. The birds hubbub, frosty fresh air and warm sun growing in strength form a real spring polyphony.

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Nothern Coast

By Lyudmila Scherbinina

Early autumn has come to the coastal village in Northern Russia. Light yellowness can be seen through the rare tree leaves. The sky which is still clear covers the stones, houses and cold waters of the White Sea. Even the quick and accurate manner of the artist is not able to give any dynamics to the nature, immersing in the quietness that in a very short time will become silent winter seeming to be endless.

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Window to Croatia

By Sergey Nekrasov

Larisa Kral, a Croatian artist born in St. Petersburg, invited a group of ten St. Petersburg artists to take part in the plenair in Croatia. It is Supetar, the city situated on the island of Brač, where the “Window to Croatia” was created . The main figure of the canvas is Julia Bobrova who is the artist’s friend and muse. She stands at the background of the terracotta wall with the window with the shutters of an unusual dark blue color. The elegant figure of the woman looks very delicate and fragile because of her crossed arms, the thin silk blouse trembling in the wind, and the watchful look of her beautiful eyes.

The Exhibition “Window to Croatia – the exhibition in the wake of the plenair” was held in the Exhibition Center of Artists Union in St. Petersburg (Oct. 24th, 2017- Nov. 1st, 2017).  The picture was noted by numerous compliments and took its rightful place on show.

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A Glass of Red Wine

By Maria Aristova

Maria talks about her paintings:

“A thought is born at first… Something in the real world pushes an artist to create this work or that. It could be a house, the whispering of leaves beneath your feet, a red dress seen somewhere in a boutique window, a glass of wine lit in a special way… You could go on and on…

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By Julia Bobrova

The silence of an evening coming. The sky is setting into the water. Soon everything will be covered with darkness and objects will lose their shapes. The figure in the boat is still. His quiet and concentrated work looks like meditation or a pray. Alone with nature. A short moment of harmony, silence and twilight…

Natalia Kosyachenko,
Art critic

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Yellow Cube

By Julia Bobrova

The portrait of a young woman on the yellow cube causes a mixed feeling. On the one hand it looks like a typical installation at art colleges, but on the other hand it does not have student stiffness. The model’s movement towards someone or something looks quite natural. The emotions and gestures are perfectly conveyed. The artist has found an incredibly daring combination of pure colors: yellow, red, black. Some theatrics and contrast colors give a special touch to the picture, making it memorable, allowing you to join the game offered by the artist.

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The Sea

By Dmitry Yermolov

Unpredictability of the sea, beautiful and majestic, iridescent with different colors always attracts artists working in various styles and disciplines. The sunlight in the composition with the white sails; the contrast of the light pole and depth of the water, with a low horizon – altogether creates the feeling of a light-air environment.

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By Sergey Nekrasov

The picture shows one of the favorable ways of spending leisure time in the country side in the end of summer. The charming young woman lies in a hammock under the tree which throws its golden outfit off. The beautiful face and body of the noble marble colour attract the viewer’s attention and hold it firmly. They allow the viewer neither to study such details of the picture as the unchanged shape of the hammock, which presents a flat field with the female body, her hat and sunglasses nor to think about the contrast between the summer clothes of the model and the first signs of autumn as well as about unusual proportions of the composition. Everything in this decorative canvas is full of beauty and serenity, telling us about love, youth and lightness.

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