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Lyudmila Scherbinina

(born 1983)

Lyudmila was born in Labinsk, Krasnodar region. In 2000 she applied to Krasnodar Art College and graduated with honors in 2004. In 2005 she left for St. Petersburg to continue her art education at the Russian Academy of Arts (a.k.a. Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture), St. Petersburg. After the entrance exams she joined Yuri V. Kalyuta’s easel painting workshop. From the third year of studying till the very graduation she contributed towards the painting works at Vasily Sokollov’s easel painting workshop.

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By Sergey Nekrasov

Overcoming the gravity is one of the heart’s desires of a man. It is the desire of freedom and flight with the feeling of wind in the hair. Everyone strives for this since childhood, jumping high, cycling and racing fast. For some people these “flights” turn to be the impulse for the future profession, but for others they just remain important childhood memories. When we are grown-up, we sometimes want to come back to our childhood, so we get on the trampoline, take off and fly high to reach the golden branches of the trees, to see the fallen leaves, the road snaking among the damp houses and someone, slowly cycling up the hill.

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By Julia Kostsova

The rough hammered table made from raw boards is located outside under the blooming apple-tree. The table is full of stuff: an oil lamp, apples, a small basket and lovely spring bouquets in transparent glasses. The bright sunshine penetrates everything around making them glow with a special inner light.

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Evening Beam

By Tamara Kamaeva

A northern coastal village in February. Everything is covered with snow: houses, boats, the pier. The seashore is hardly seen. Snow is everywhere. Only the gold evening beam paints the walls and roofs of the houses. It predicts the end of the bad weather and coming of the long-awaited spring.

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By Julia Bobrova

The main character of the picture is the red poppy color. The red handbag in the foreground, the red poppies on the dress of a young woman as well as in the grass behind her and her poppy-colored lips. The red color is stunning. It unites  the composition and fractionalizes it at the same time. It makes you excited and draws the eye as something unforgettable and desirable.

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Evening in Nyukhcha

By Tamara Kamaeva

The “Evening in Nyukhcha” painting is rather complicated with a lot of details such as houses along the banks of the small river, nice bridges connecting the shores, boats by the low banks, the water reflecting everything and the ragged evening sky. It does not prevent from feeling the atmosphere of the picture. Russian nature reveals itself in the great variety of its images both familiar and unknown, rather modest in colors though extremely emotional.

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By Julia Kostsova

This portrait of a teenage girl was made using a quick paint technique. It draws attention to the carefully shown complexity of the psychological state of the model. Julia correctly captures the mimic, face, close look and the slightly tense and awkward pose.

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Château de Villandry

By Julia Kostsova

Walls of the old Château de Villandry are reflected in the water of the moat. Of course the castle has lost its defensive meaning long ago and now it is the greatest component of the romantic view of the park ensemble.

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By Sergey Nekrasov

Sometimes the Russian calendar says the spring has come already but outside it is cold, frosty and sullen winter. During this period the bright sun rays, blue March shadows and the birds songs seem to be far away. At the same time the snow is not so fluffy anymore, everything is covered with brown patches of the melting snow. The gutters and pits are getting naked to show off their brown insides. In the gray air we feel the endless spring fever, as before the rapid change of the season, when nothing is able to stop the spring.

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The Kotor Bay

By Julia Kostsova

Yachts are dozing at the pier. The sunset is gilding mountains in the distance. Blue shadows of the masts create intricate patterns swinging on the calm water. Inner balance of the composition, harmony of color relationships and light color – altogether fills the painting with a calm and poetic mood.

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