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Falling Leaves

By Sergey Nekrasov

A young woman looks at the viewer from the picture “Falling leaves”. Her face is perfect with the fine features, the amazing gentle skin tone, the expressive eyes. Being deep in her thoughts she resembles a fairy-tale creature. Only the scattered golden freckles and her strong-willed lips reveal her human nature. The simple composition, the dense background of the golden leaves and the large folds of woman’s clothes can not distract the viewer from her face as beautiful as the eternity itself.

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Eastern Still Life

By Maria Knyazeva

After graduating from the arts schools, where professional training involves painting specially arranged still lives, only a few artists stay interested in them and can reveal  their  talent in this genre. Maria Knyazeva is sure to belong to them. A group of everyday objects such as a hookah, a vessel, a rug and several musical instruments turns by the artist talent  into the charming “corner of the East”. Due to the harmonious forms, the freshness of the color composition, the lyrical mood that fills the still life this picture will become a highlight in the collection of not only those who love the oriental culture, but also of connoisseurs of the real art.

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Still Life with Shells

By Maria Knyazeva

We see the warm rough wood of the table in the southern sun, embracing the shells of the intricate shapes, golden oranges and the white disc of the porcelain saucer. The small canvas by Maria Knyazeva “Still Life with Shells” looks like some long-awaited news from the warm lands, like a breath of fresh air, like a dream, coming true.

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Persimmons and Pomegranates

By Maria Knyazeva

The small picture by Maria Knyazeva “Persimmons and pomegranates” touches the theme of the East. She has created this still life in her favourite way as if looking from above, and the picture is based on the combination of the fruit and colorful carpet. It causes fresh impressions and makes you feel all fun of life, which are conveyed by the artist in her most unpretentious manner.

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The Park

By Alexander Egorov

Spindrift clouds at the Summer sky reflect in the water of a small pond at a city park. The considerate manner of Alexander to color relation lets a tempted spectator enjoy an elegant combination of white-blue sky, the multicolored water of the canal and the greenery of trees and grass.

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By Julia Bobrova

One of the signs that winter has come to Saint-Petersburg is the flocks of sparrows, sitting on the bare branches of the bushes. The vociferous and restless sparrows fluffy in the frost turn the frozen plant into some kind of the alive tree which keeps moving and vibrating. You are sure to slow down, stop and smile at these funny loud-voiced creatures.

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A Model in Red

By Dmitry Yermolov

In this work Dmitry transforms quite a traditional pose of a model in the form? of a beauty. He achieves this by combining what is real and what is suppositive, graphic and decorative. Young woman’s torso – finely drawn – looks like it is growing out from the folds of red fabric falling down her hips.

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By Sergey Nekrasov

Only great portrait artists can both convey the appearance of their models and reveal their psychology. When the artist depicts a model at the landscape background, especially the architectural one, it always makes you think much what a human being is and how the environment influences us. A middle-aged man with a swarthy skin, light gray hair, a tenacious and intelligent glance is depicted on the background of a southern seaside town. Looking at his face, we want to guess his thoughts, profession, imagine his way of life and even, perhaps, compare with ours.

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Self-portrait with Grayling

By Sergey Nekrasov

This picture has an unusual composition. The author depicts himself in the water with quietly swimming fish around. The first thought is that it is a piece of mirror, where we can see the artist’s reflection, but then peering in the canvas we realize that it is not it but the self-portrait at the bottom of the lake. And if in the case of  “Sadko”  by Ilya Repin the main figure is a fairy tale character, as well as everything around him, in this very picture the artist has placed not the character but the image in the water.  The self-portrait conveys in a very accurate way the facial expression and features. This method is typical of advertising but not the visual arts where it makes the canvas memorable, forcing us to return to it again.

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Flowers 2

By Dmitry Yermolov

Flowers can be seen in nature, flowers are positioned in an interior. Quite often we cannot enjoy the beauty of a flower because of the environment. We would like to throw away all the unnecessaries (of life) and see and breathe in only that, the beautiful flower. This work was painted with wide and pasty manner. The decorative, abstract and vibrating background looks like it is condensing in the center, forming a composition of flowers, beautiful and airlike in a mirage.

Natalia Kosyachenko,
Art critic

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